Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Somehow it cut off the last part of my blog about guat city. so don´t judge me. I already know im so lame for saying that saying, but i fixed it in the rest of my blog that got lost. don´t judge me.


Unknown said...

well..good 'mormon'!
sar, hey so you are here and alive. that is really good. so sounds like we will meet up with you on saturday! i'm so happy! be safe and don't die before then. i'm glad you found that chillean man, that is wonderful.
keep in touch with us! and we will figure out how to find you on saturday! hey, we texted you, but nothing happened.... love you bud
ash and todd

mare said...

I don't think I even understand what is going on in this comment-- you must've fixed it or something.
