Wednesday, July 9, 2008

These are pictures from the past few months. some are up in bellingham, some are in vancouver and some are here in utah.



megantonesforever said...

Hey Saree!
It's Megan! I stumbled onto your blog and now I can see what you are up to! I didn't know you were such a picture taker. The picture of Deb's kid, I thought was Jessica when she was young. I just started blogging a few months ago, so you will have to visit.
Love you Sar, Meg

Laurie Bingham said...

Yay Sare,
I just love reading your posts. I wish you would do it more often. I love the pics. you are so talented. just to make a comment on running the red light, remember when we were stopped at a red light in logan and your foot slipped off the break and we rolled into to the car in front of us?

Debi said...

Wow. Great pics. you must be professional. Will you take pictures of me in a bikini? Just let me know.

I Love Good Grub said...

I like these photos! The jelly fish one is so cool and I love the pigeon one too! Glad to see you finally posted. lazy. ha ha, just kidding.

Unknown said...

hey sar. well done. on both the pictures and the writing. while we are on the subject of driving stories of you, remember when you were driving the dodge spirit and i was sitting in the back for some reason and you stopped in the lane and we got rearended? that's funny. i am trying to get a hold of you right now to no avail

mare said...

dear sariah,

i thought i already wrote this, but it appears as if my remembrance skills have gotten the better of me once again. remember that time that we were driving home from boating or something and your parents were right behind us on the centerville exit and i ran the red light almost terminating both our lives? that was weird.