Tuesday, January 22, 2008


i am watching the color leave my skin just a bit more every day. right now it seems to be blending in with the white computer im writing on. its funny, cause i don't feel worthless, and yet when i look at what im actually doing with my life currently, i realize i kinda am. Oops. Im not too worried about it, but the longer i sit here not making decisions the weirder i feel. is weirder a word these days? I've created a work situation that makes me have to make a change. I've let my job slip into non-existance because of traveling. i still have some really, really devout clients, but not enough to fullfill me. Financially or emotionaly.
My hold up on making a decision and change is this supposed oppurtunity to travel free with an organization. The problem is that it's a new organization and it's slow moving. the idea of free travel is enough to keep me waiting.
I talked to Ash yesterday. it was sad because i only had 14 minutes and it beeped to tell me that i only had one minute left and i felt so frantic and i didn't say i love you ash. so i want to say it publicly- I love you ash. there- thats better.
I actually am pretty satisfied with my life right now. i feel good emotionaly and spiritally. although it is so hard to keep spirituality constant. I seem to be in a relationship with a boy. its good. i am learning to comunicate a little better.
Just an update. there will be fun things to write about soon i hope...


Unknown said...

oh sar, i love you too. i had this feeling you updated your blog. i'm excited for you to go to peru, but now todd hates you because of it. just kidding. life is weird and choices are weirder. especially in jan. and feb. how can one make any thing of themselves in that time of the year in logan? just keep snow shoeing and drinking hot chocolate. i miss you and love you.

Debi said...

Hi Sara. I found your intriguing blog and am wondering what the h*** you are doing in life. It sounds like you're being way adventurous. Anyway, want to be blog friends? bye.
debi youngs

mare said...

I was going to leave a comment (and I guess that intention is coming true--) but I think I'll just call you. I got a new s-ing phone number.

mare said...

ahh! you left! well I hope you're having fun--see you in 3 weeks pal