Wednesday, September 9, 2009

well well well well

Im almost 27.  I'm happy. It seems like just yesterday i was born.  Not.  actually it seems like forever ago.  If I stop and try to remember a day in my childhood, it is all foggy and slow moving and it seems like at least 50 years ago.  Isn't it weird that our parents are only 20-30 years older than us?  That they were in their 20's when they had us and yet they seemed so old.  but they were just 25 and 30.  

Im heading to Europe for 5 weeks with Eric.  I will use my blog more regularly I think.  pictures are better than words a lot of the time.  so i hope to get some fun pictures while i'm out in the countries of our fore-fathers. here is a picture of the moon and a chain. just to get you excited. they aren't even mine though.  they are jessies my little sisters.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I've been thinking lately that it would be nice to die just so i can stop wondering what comes after this life.

And then i could come back (through a medium) and tell everyone to stop worrying. I've been thinking about our obsession with truth and finding THE truth. Im becoming more excepting of the concept of individual truth, and the idea that truth for one person doesn't mean it will be true for someone else.

This goose is drooling bread crumbs. Poor thing doesn't even know.

Wilco at his best

Friday, January 30, 2009


Ok. im finally getting serious about work. i quit that last new job and got hired at Atomic Blonde in downtown salt lake. its right next to the library in the new metro condo complex. I love it! My boss is a m ix between Beaux underwood and my brother john. its kinda funny really. but he loves me and is so excited about my "low maintenance look" mixed with my "skills". anyways. I've got my web site for hair finished and have a link to it on my page. its kinda cool kinda funny. its You might be surprised who has been my models... it just might be you.

sample model

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

a decision

Yes, i did it! I have decided to move to salt lake city. I feel really good and happy inside. (for the most part) (I'll tell you the only two bad things in a bit).

So, I heard about this massage school that was highly recommended by massage therapists in salt lake. I inquired at the school, and found out that the semester started that day. So I started the next day. strangely, this is exactly how i got into beauty school. I didn't think about it- i just went to the school the 2nd day of class and began my life in the crazy world of beauty. The decision to go to beauty school has been the best financial decision of my life. People were shocked when i did it, and even now i sometimes freak out that i do hair. Mostly when i look in the mirror and realize that i haven't combed my hair in 2 days... it doesn't really fit my personality or something. and yet it does.

I think this blog is going to be a rambler. so sorry. But the other day in massage school, a girl in my class was saying how her friend in seattle decided to go to beauty school. She thought it was crazy because he wants to work in the healing industry, and the hair industry seems like the furthest thing from that. As i was thinking about that, i realized that the hair industry is one where you help people. I love my job because of that. I love that people pour their lifes out on me and let me give them feedback, or just listen. Its so fun and depressing. anyway, im just putting a plug in for hair doers. its a really amazing job. but i am so excited to get into this new massage stuff.

And, i got a new job at a salon is slc! im so excited! ill only work fridays and saturdays, but tell people to come to me... if they dare. Im actually a little good at it. I charge 80$ for cut and color, and 30 for a cut. Its a good deal in slc.

My Brother John married his love, Maryssa 2 weekends ago. The day was warm, and they were so beautiful! i love them both so much. They never read this, but im just really excited for them to be wed. And yes, calli my 6 year old niece caught the bouquet. the little bum face.

I am now going to tell you the sad and bad things. First, eric and i aren't dating anymore. I haven't talked much about our relationship because i don't like telling personal stuff on here. but I miss him, and i love who he is and what he has taught me about love and communication. He loved me without judgement. It's a fulfilling way to be loved.

Second, my bed is not directly on the floor and i am really uncomfortable with that. I still look in my closet before i go to sleep every night, and when my bed isn't on the floor i have to look under there too. The thing is, nothing "living" could actually fit under the bed. (its only about 5 inches off the floor) so mostly i'm scared of ghosts or skinny monsters. I woke up at 5 am this morning and stepped off my bed and felt cold air coming from under my bed. I don't like it. i hate it.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

what is going on here?

I really don't have any idea. those of you who look at this blog, will you cast a vote for one of these options?

1. move to san fransico in my vw bus (that will likely break down on the way), get a job and rent a driveway/kitchen/bathroom.

2. stay in slc and get a job and make some damn money.

3. move to damn logan and make some damn money.

So I accidently told a prospective client that i worked in a strip bar instead of a strip mall. I don't think she'll ever call. sad.

no pictures today- i cant find my camara. its somewhere in this huge pile of stuff that's in my parents garage that i keep wishing wasn't mine. do we all get to the point of wanting to start over with stuff? just throwing everything away and having nothing? i would love that right now. every time i try to throw some of my clothes away one of my little sisters grabs it and is so so happy, and then i see it in her closet 5 months later and i take it back. its a vicious cycle.

love, s

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

hi cute baby blog

ok so. does it seem weird when you almost turn 26 and you are sitting at your parents house trying to figure out where your next big move is going to be? and then you decide that its going to be to your parents house?
It seems weird to me. as does the spelling of wierd. (weerd)

i have the boyfriend eric. he is moving back up to logan for the fall semester, and so i might do that. i want to be where he is. that is cute. fall in logan is my favorite time of year.

we went to jackson hole last weekend after spending the week at flaming gorge with my family. It was such a good week. i love flaming gorge.

and then we were driving through the forest in jackson and we saw a moose and then we saw a bear. !! it was scary! but also it was cool.

we came home, then i showered for the first time in a week. it was scary. but i also thought it was fun to be that dirty. and now i only try to shower 3 times a week instead of 7.